Cthuloid Toon Adventures Theme Song Author Unknown Extended and edited by Jonathan Woodward, woodward@io.com This is much funnier if you picture it being sung in a "Cthuloid toon" voice; i.e., high-pitched and gargly. This file is available on the Web at "http://www.io.com/~woodward/d7/". We're slimy, we're squishy, we're all a little fishy You humans are delish-y when we're feasting on your brains! We're abysmal creatures with gross horrific features Against Cthuloid preachers all the good guys go insane! So here's Miskatonic U. where all the creatures dwell Take a look at a mythos book and find yourself in hell! Your guns aren't defective, they're just not real effective Our feast of flesh and souls will surely taste so swell! From Innsmouth to Dunwich, beings outre' and eldritch Worship those Outer Gods which writhe and gibber mindlessly! To Arkham and Boston, come dreams across the eons To make submissive peons of artists, poets and thee! The spooky tales of Lovecraft are without reason or rhyme "The Lurker In The Gateway Meets The Colour Out Of Time!" Read with fascination, and a little trepidation Our feast of flesh and souls is going to taste so fine! Your magic and voodoo will not stop the great Cthulhu Don't eat with the Tchoo Tchoo; the Mi-go steal your brain! Here's Nyarly, Tsathoggua, and there's flaming Cthugha Ol' windy Ithaqua, and don't say Hastur's name! Welcome to dread R'lyeh where the angles are all wrong You'll lose your soul and go insane if you stay here too long! We're slimy, we're squishy, we're all a little fishy Our feast of flesh and souls is just about to start! ...And now we'll eat your heart!