CTHUNIX "Most people aren't aware of the fact that UNIX actually dates back to the Cthulhuvian epoch, and was widely used in R'lyeh. The R'lyehish word fhtagn is actually a technical term, and literally means 'waiting on an event'. Thus, 'Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn' literally means 'in his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits blocked on I/O'." "This patch fixes the Problem of Evil and the dangling-else ambiguity." - both from Andrew C. Bulhak "Yeah, but the config file ... it's like the Necronomicon. You are warned away, but you go regardless, hoping to learn unearthly secrets. If your sanity survives, you spend the rest of your life conversing with daemons, running from shoggoths, and striking fear into most mortals. I don't know whether it has driven me insane or revealed to me deep secrets about the universe." - Victoria Lease on sendmail, 7/11/96