The Ten Commandments The Manual, ex(20), verses 1-21 "And lo did Unix(*) spake these words upon the reboot: 0. Thou shalt use no other operating system than Unix(*). 1. Thou shalt not make unto thee a false operating system; thou shalt not program them for I am the Unix(*) and a jealous O/S. 2. Thou shalt not take the trade mark of Unix(*) in vain, or thou shalt be sued. 3. Remember thy password, and keep it secret. 4. Honour thy parent shell, for if it should die, thou shalt not live long (unless thou hast disassociated thyself). 5. Thou shalt not kill(1) -9 any process, for surely they shalt becometh zombies or defunct. 6. Thou shalt commit hacking, else thou shalt eat quiche. 7. Thou shalt not use other users' data, for thou shalt be refered to the Data Protection Act, 1984, and sued (again). 8. Thou shalt not create trojan horses, worms, virii, or other foul beasts of false programming. 9. Thou shalt not rm -rf thy neighbor's $HOME, nor covet his disk space allocation, nor his workstation account."