# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Jeremy Stanley . Permission to # use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under terms # provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software. # # generated by weather on 2014-02-12 from these public domain sources: # # http://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/gazetteer2010.html # e59ed00899613010cd4e363a22a9a0ee 2013-04-03 Gaz_counties_national.zip # 9455536cd9f35e469680bab0e609f0d4 2013-04-03 Gaz_cousubs_national.zip # 1cacfdf7b351f526402a59b28458305b 2013-04-03 Gaz_places_national.zip # 7e103b39411c13e43bab231dff434f07 2013-04-03 Gaz_zcta_national.zip # # http://www.weather.gov/geodata/catalog/wsom/html/cntyzone.htm # f5e59d27d6f7ec1c3a6b0e7cf865686a 2013-12-02 bp03de13.dbx # # http://weather.noaa.gov/data/nsd_cccc.txt # 6561bd4dc1ffd4147e35cf6dee7503d5 2011-05-04 nsd_cccc.txt # # http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/zonecatalog.curr.tar # 748043471973d418cb415fccc3a0000b 2007-06-07 zonecatalog.curr.tar # # http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/nwprod/dictionaries/metar.tbl # 2bbef16bbf41add353650c5d09f35066 2013-07-25 metar.tbl # # ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/inventories/COOP-ACT.TXT # 3fc42736c79982ac9c0232755c07b288 2014-02-12 COOP-ACT.TXT # # ...and these manually-generated or hand-compiled adjustments: # cdf8e6b67a2e93b122e4a4ace8ed8c19 2014-02-12 overrides.conf # 8c5014d34b93f9de6bc9ee7dbdf0244a 2014-02-12 slist # 8ec34ffc16b2835022bbc5614b2cc8cb 2014-02-12 zlist [abe] station = kabe [abi] station = kabi [abq] station = kabq [abr] station = kabr [aby] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kaby [act] station = kact [acy] station = kacy [adq] station = padq [agh] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = esta [ags] station = kags [ahn] station = kahn [ahp] station = paap [aia] station = kaia [ajr] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = esnx [akn] station = pakn [akw] station = pakw [alb] station = kalb [ali] station = kali [alo] station = kalo [als] station = kals [ama] station = kama [amg] station = kamg [amw] station = kamw [anb] station = kanb [anc] station = panc [and] station = kand [ane] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lfjr [anj] station = kanj [ann] station = pant [aoh] station = kaoh [aor] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wmka [apc] station = kapc [apf] station = kapf [apg] station = kapg [apn] station = kapn [aqa] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbaq [aqw] station = kaqw [art] station = kart [aru] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbau [asd] station = kasd [ase] station = kase [ast] station = kast [atk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = patq [atl] station = katl [att] station = katt [aty] station = katy [aug] station = kaug [aus] station = kaus [auw] station = kauw [avl] station = kavl [avn] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lfmv [avp] station = kavp [axn] station = kaxn [azs] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = mdcy [baz] station = kbaz [bdj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = waoo [bdl] station = kbdl [bdr] station = kbdr [beh] station = kbeh [bet] station = pabe [bfd] station = kbfd [bff] station = kbff [bfl] station = kbfl [bfv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtuo [bgm] station = kbgm [bgr] station = kbgr [bgw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = orbi [bhk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = utsb [bhm] station = kbhm [big] station = pabi [bih] station = kbih [bil] station = kbil [bis] station = kbis [bji] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kbji [bkd] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kbkd [bke] station = kbke [bkg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kbbg [bkl] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kbkl [bkw] station = kbkw [bld] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kbvu [blf] station = kblf [blh] station = kblh [blr] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vobl [blu] station = kblu [bml] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kbml [bmq] station = kbmq [bna] station = kbna [bno] station = kbno [boi] station = kboi [bos] station = kbos [bpn] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wall [bpt] station = kbpt [bqn] station = tjbq [bqs] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uhbb [bro] station = kbro [brw] station = pabr [bsr] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ormm [bth] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = widd [btm] station = kbtm [btr] station = kbtr [btt] station = pabt [btv] station = kbtv [buf] station = kbuf [bus] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ugsb [bvc] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = gvba [bvo] station = kbvo [bwg] station = kbwg [bwi] station = kbwi [bxk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kbxk [byi] station = kbyi [bzn] station = kbzn [cac] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbca [cae] station = kcae [cag] station = kcag [caj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = svcn [cak] station = kcak [cao] station = kcao [car] station = kcar [ccj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vocl [ccm] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbcm [ccr] station = kccr [ccy] station = kccy [cdb] station = pacd [cdc] station = kcdc [cdr] station = kcdr [cds] station = kcds [cdv] station = pacv [cei] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtct [cew] station = kcew [cez] station = kcez [cfb] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbcb [cgi] station = kcgi [cha] station = kcha [chs] station = kchs [cic] station = kcic [cid] station = kcid [ciw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = tvsc [cjc] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sccf [ckv] station = kckv [cle] station = kcle [cll] station = kcll [clt] station = kclt [cmh] station = kcmh [cmx] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kcmx [cni] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kcni [cnk] station = kcnk [cnm] station = kcnm [cny] station = kcny [cod] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kcod [cok] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = voci [con] station = kcon [cos] station = kcos [cot] station = kcot [cou] station = kcou [cpr] station = kcpr [cqt] station = kcqt [cre] station = kcre [crg] station = kcrg [crp] station = kcrp [crw] station = kcrw [csg] station = kcsg [csm] station = kcsm [cso] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = edbc [csv] station = kcsv [csy] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uwks [ctb] station = kctb [ctj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kctj [cty] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kcty [cvg] station = kcvg [cxj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbcx [cys] station = kcys [czz] station = kczz [dab] station = kdab [dag] station = kdag [dal] station = kdal [dan] station = kdan [day] station = kday [dbq] station = kdbq [dca] station = kdca [ddc] station = kddc [den] station = kden [deq] station = kdeq [dew] station = kdew [dfw] station = kdfw [dgw] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kdgw [dhn] station = kdhn [dht] station = kdht [dik] station = kdik [dlh] station = kdlh [dln] station = kdln [dls] station = kdls [dmh] station = kdmh [dol] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lfrg [dps] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wadd [dra] station = kdra [dro] station = kdro [drt] station = kdrt [dsa] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = egcn [dsm] station = kdsm [dtn] station = kdtn [dtw] station = kdtw [dug] station = kdug [duj] station = kduj [dut] station = padu [dwc] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = omdw [dyr] station = kdyr [dzn] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uakd [eat] station = keat [eau] station = keau [ebl] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = orer [eed] station = keed [eeo] station = keeo [eet] station = keet [ego] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uuob [ekn] station = kekn [eko] station = keko [eld] station = keld [elp] station = kelp [ely] station = kely [ena] station = paen [env] station = kenv [eph] station = keph [eps] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = mdab [eri] station = keri [esc] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kesc [eug] station = keug [evn] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = udyz [evv] station = kevv [ewn] station = kewn [ewr] station = kewr [eyw] station = keyw [fai] station = pafa [far] station = kfar [fat] station = kfat [fcm] station = kfcm [fdr] station = kfdr [fdy] station = kfdy [flg] station = kflg [fll] station = kfll [flo] station = kflo [fmm] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = edja [fmy] station = kfmy [fnt] station = kfnt [fod] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kfod [fog] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = libf [fsd] station = kfsd [fsm] station = kfsm [fsz] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = rjns [ftw] station = kftw [fwa] station = kfwa [fyv] station = kfyv [gag] station = kgag [gai] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kgai [gcc] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kgcc [gcj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = fagc [gdt] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = mbgt [geg] station = kgeg [get] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ygel [gfk] station = kgfk [gfl] station = kgfl [ggg] station = kggg [ggw] station = kggw [ghg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kghg [gjt] station = kgjt [gkn] station = pagk [gld] station = kgld [glh] station = kglh [gls] station = kgls [gmz] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = gcgm [gnt] station = kgnt [gnv] station = kgnv [gok] station = kgok [gov] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ypgv [gpi] station = kgpi [gpt] station = kgpt [grb] station = kgrb [gri] station = kgri [gro] station = pgro [grr] station = kgrr [gsb] station = kgsb [gsn] station = pgsn [gso] station = kgso [gsp] station = kgsp [gst] station = pags [gtf] station = kgtf [gum] station = pgum [gup] station = kgup [guw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uatg [gwo] station = kgwo [hak] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = zjhk [hbg] station = khbg [hbr] station = khbr [hca] station = pahc [hcr] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pahc [hdo] station = khdo [hhi] station = phhi [hid] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = yhid [hks] station = khks [hky] station = khky [hln] station = khln [hlp] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wihh [hmv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = esut [hnl] station = phnl [hns] station = pahn [hob] station = khob [hom] station = paho [hon] station = khon [hot] station = khot [hou] station = khou [hpn] station = khpn [hqm] station = khqm [hro] station = khro [hse] station = khse [hsi] station = khsi [hsk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lehc [hsv] station = khsv [hti] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ybhm [htl] station = khtl [hts] station = khts [hua] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = khua [huf] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = khuf [hul] station = khul [hvr] station = khvr [hwd] station = khwd [iad] station = kiad [iag] station = kiag [iah] station = kiah [ict] station = kict [ifj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = biis [igg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = paig [igm] station = kigm [ild] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = leda [ilg] station = kilg [ili] station = pail [ilm] station = kilm [ind] station = kind [ink] station = kink [inl] station = kinl [inw] station = kinw [ioa] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lgio [iph] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wmki [ipt] station = kipt [isn] station = kisn [isp] station = kisp [isu] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = orsu [ito] station = phto [jad] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ypjt [jan] station = kjan [jax] station = kjax [jbq] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = mdjb [jct] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kjct [jfk] station = kjfk [jhm] station = phjh [jhs] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = bgss [jkl] station = kjkl [jln] station = kjln [jms] station = kjms [jnu] station = pajn [joi] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbjv [jqa] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = bguq [jsu] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = bgmq [juv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = bguk [jxn] station = kjxn [kbv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtsg [kfp] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pakf [kgk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pajz [kja] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = unkl [klg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = palg [kmo] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pamb [knw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = panw [kop] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtuw [krw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = utak [ktn] station = pakt [kut] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ugko [kvc] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pavc [kwa] station = pkwa [lan] station = klan [lar] station = klar [las] station = klas [law] station = klaw [lax] station = klax [lbb] station = klbb [lbd] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = utdl [lbf] station = klbf [lbt] station = klbt [lch] station = klch [lcj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = epll [lex] station = klex [lfk] station = klfk [lft] station = klft [lga] station = klga [lgb] station = klgb [lgc] station = klgc [lhx] station = klhx [lih] station = phli [lit] station = klit [llq] station = kllq [lnd] station = klnd [lnk] station = klnk [lny] station = phny [lol] station = klol [lop] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wadl [lot] station = klot [loz] station = kloz [lrd] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = klrd [lse] station = klse [lsq] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = scge [lvk] station = klvk [lvm] station = klvm [lwd] station = klwd [lwn] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = udsg [lws] station = klws [lwt] station = klwt [lyh] station = klyh [maf] station = kmaf [mcb] station = kmcb [mcg] station = pamc [mci] station = kmci [mcn] station = kmcn [mco] station = kmco [mcw] station = kmcw [mcx] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = urml [mdl] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vymd [mdt] station = kmdt [mdw] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kmdw [mei] station = kmei [mem] station = kmem [mfd] station = kmfd [mfe] station = kmfe [mfr] station = kmfr [mgc] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kmgc [mgm] station = kmgm [mgw] station = kmgw [mhe] station = kmhe [mhk] station = kmhk [mia] station = kmia [mic] station = kmic [mii] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbml [miv] station = kmiv [miw] station = kmiw [mji] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = hllm [mkc] station = kmkc [mke] station = kmke [mkg] station = kmkg [mkk] station = phmk [mkl] station = kmkl [mlb] station = kmlb [mlc] station = kmlc [mli] station = kmli [mll] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = padm [mls] station = kmls [mlt] station = kmlt [mlu] station = kmlu [mly] station = paml [mni] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = trpg [mob] station = kmob [mod] station = kmod [mot] station = kmot [mou] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pamo [mpv] station = kmpv [mpw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ukcm [mqf] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uscm [mqi] station = kmqi [mqp] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = fakn [mrb] station = kmrb [mrf] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kmrf [msl] station = kmsl [msn] station = kmsn [mso] station = kmso [msp] station = kmsp [msy] station = kmsy [mtc] station = kmtc [mtj] station = kmtj [mvq] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = umoo [mwc] station = kmwc [mwl] station = kmwl [mwn] station = kmwn [mws] station = kmws [mwt] station = kmwt [mwx] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = rkjb [myp] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = utam [myu] station = pamy [myv] station = kmyv [mzl] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = skmz [naj] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ubbn [naq] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = bgqq [naw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtsc [nbw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uwke [ncy] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lflp [new] station = knew [ngb] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = zsnb [nib] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pafs [nkx] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = knkx [nlg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = paou [nrb] station = knrb [nst] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtsf [ntl] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ywlm [ntq] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = rjnw [nty] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = fapn [nvi] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = utsa [nvt] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbnf [nyc] station = knyc [nyl] station = knyl [nza] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = spza [obn] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = egeo [odx] station = kodx [ofk] station = kofk [ogg] station = phog [okc] station = kokc [olm] station = kolm [oma] station = koma [ome] station = paom [omk] station = komk [ook] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = paoo [oqt] station = koqt [ord] station = kord [orf] station = korf [org] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = smzo [orh] station = korh [ort] station = paor [orv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pfno [osd] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = esnz [osw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uwor [otg] station = kotg [otm] station = kotm [otz] station = paot [ovb] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = unnt [oza] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = koza [p28] station = kp28 [p68] station = kp68 [pah] station = kpah [pao] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kpao [paq] station = paaq [pbh] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vqpr [pbi] station = kpbi [pdt] station = kpdt [pdx] station = kpdx [ped] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lkpd [pga] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kpga [pgu] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = oibp [phf] station = kphf [phl] station = kphl [phs] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtpp [phx] station = kphx [pia] station = kpia [pie] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kpie [pih] station = kpih [pip] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = papn [pir] station = kpir [pit] station = kpit [pkb] station = kpkb [pkv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uloo [pln] station = kpln [pmw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = sbpj [pnc] station = kpnc [pni] station = ptpn [pns] station = kpns [pnt] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = scnt [pou] station = kpou [ppg] station = nstu [ppk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uacp [pqi] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kpqi [pql] station = kpql [prb] station = kprb [psg] station = papg [psx] station = kpsx [pub] station = kpub [pvd] station = kpvd [pwm] station = kpwm [pwq] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uasp [qgy] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lhpr [rai] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = gvnp [rap] station = krap [rbl] station = krbl [rby] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pary [rdd] station = krdd [rdm] station = krdm [rdu] station = krdu [rfd] station = krfd [rhi] station = krhi [ric] station = kric [ril] station = kril [riw] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kriw [riy] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = oyrn [rkp] station = krkp [rks] station = krks [rmf] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = hema [rmg] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = krmg [rnd] station = krnd [rno] station = krno [roa] station = kroa [roc] station = kroc [roi] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtuv [row] station = krow [rsh] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pars [rst] station = krst [rue] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = krue [rwf] station = krwf [rwl] station = krwl [sac] station = ksac [san] station = ksan [sat] station = ksat [sav] station = ksav [sba] station = ksba [sbn] station = ksbn [sbo] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ksbo [sby] station = ksby [scc] station = pasc [sck] station = ksck [scm] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pacm [sdb] station = ksdb [sdf] station = ksdf [sea] station = ksea [sfo] station = ksfo [sgf] station = ksgf [sgy] station = pagy [shg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pagh [shn] station = kshn [shr] station = kshr [shv] station = kshv [sig] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = tjig [sit] station = pasi [siy] station = ksiy [sjc] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = ksjc [sjt] station = ksjt [sju] station = tjsj [sjw] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = zbsj [skk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pfsh [skt] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = opst [skv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = hesc [skw] station = pasw [slc] station = kslc [sle] station = ksle [slo] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kslo [smo] station = ksmo [smv] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lszs [smx] station = ksmx [sno] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtui [snp] station = pasn [sns] station = ksns [snu] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = musc [sny] station = ksny [sob] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = lhsm [sow] station = ksow [spg] station = kspg [spi] station = kspi [sps] station = ksps [sqo] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = esud [sry] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = oinz [ssf] station = kssf [ssi] station = kssi [stc] station = kstc [stj] station = kstj [stk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kstk [stl] station = kstl [stp] station = kstp [sts] station = ksts [stt] station = tist [stx] station = tisx [sub] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = warr [sus] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = ksus [sux] station = ksux [swo] station = kswo [sxt] station = ksxt [sya] station = pasy [syr] station = ksyr [t11] station = ptya [tad] station = ktad [tal] station = pata [taz] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = utat [tbn] station = ktbn [tbs] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ugtb [tca] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ytnk [tcl] station = ktcl [tdx] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtbo [tef] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ytef [tgg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wmkn [ths] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtpo [tjm] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ustr [tka] station = patk [tkk] station = ptkk [tlh] station = ktlh [toa] station = ktoa [tol] station = ktol [top] station = ktop [tor] station = ktor [tpa] station = ktpa [tph] station = ktph [tpo] station = palj [tri] station = ktri [tro] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ytre [tsp] station = ktsp [ttk] station = ptsa [tul] station = ktul [tup] station = ktup [tus] station = ktus [tvc] station = ktvc [tvl] station = ktvl [tvr] station = ktvr [txk] station = ktxk [tyr] station = ktyr [tys] station = ktys [uam] station = pgua [uil] station = kuil [uin] station = kuin [ukb] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = rjbe [ukk] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uask [ulh] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = oeao [urs] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = uuok [usm] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = vtsm [vai] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ayvn [vav] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = nftv [vcb] station = kvcb [vct] station = kvct [vdz] station = pavd [vel] station = kvel [vih] station = kvih [vil] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = gmmh [vrb] station = kvrb [vsg] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ukcw [vtn] station = kvtn [vts] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = evva [wal] station = kwal [wjf] station = kwjf [wmc] station = kwmc [wmo] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = pawm [wrl] station = kwrl [wwr] comment = manually aligned to match 1.x defaults station = kwwr [wya] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = ywha [xfl] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = kxfl [xsp] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = wssl [yak] station = paya [ykm] station = kykm [ykn] station = kykn [yng] station = kyng [yny] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = rkny [yoo] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = cyoo [yra] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = cyra [ysp] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = cysp [zmt] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = czmt [zos] comment = missing from the NWS list, information researched manually station = scjo [zzv] station = kzzv