Notes on the core switch build and configuration...


  1. perform 30/30/30 reset
  2. connect as to its WebUI through any LAN port

  3. initial login is root/admin
  4. upgrade flash with dd-wrt.v24-18777_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini-e4200.bin

  5. wait an additional five minutes for good measure
  6. perform 30/30/30 reset
  7. confirm password reset page is displayed

  8. set root/admin as the new login
  9. backup the CFE as routername_cfe.bin (in embeds the original interface MAC) and stash it somewhere for safekeeping
  10. upgrade flash with dd-wrt.v24-20453_NEWD-2_K2.6_std_usb_nas-nv60k.bin

  11. wait an additional five minutes for good measure
  12. perform 30/30/30 reset
  13. wait an additional five minutes for good measure
  14. confirm password reset page is displayed and Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (12/31/12) std-usb-nas shows in the top-right corner

  15. set root/admin as the new login
  16. disable both radios and choose Apply (Save is transient and does not write to NVRAM)
  17. with modern iceweasel/firefox use Web Developer Extension -> Miscellaneous -> Clear Private Data -> Clear HTTP Authentication

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