Printed Circuit Board Layout

I used Fritzing to lay out a two-layer SpiffChorder development board and submitted an order for the prototype to Fritzing Fab. The fabrication cost for one unit, including international shipping to the USA, was roughly US$40. I'll post pictures once it arrives in a couple weeks and I have a chance to run tests, but here are some preliminary details:

Bill of Materials

So far I'm using the same BoM from the perfboard design, but I'll probably switch up CON1 with Digikey part 609-2845-ND (vertical rather than right-angle) so as not to block the lower-left mounting hole.

Paper Placement Test

Here's a paper test using a 1:1 scale printout of the silkscreen and solder mask together:

SpiffChorder paper test

Connector Detail

The 0.1" pitch right-angle screw terminal blocks I used are just slightly longer than 0.4" each. So as to be able to fit the four for CON3-4 directly adjacent to one another, I lightly sanded the facing sides until they fit snugly but evenly in a piece of perfboard. In an effort to make it easier to solder these evenly on the board, I attached their sides together with a tiny dab of quick-setting adhesive gel (being careful not to get it into the terminals themselves):

screw terminal sanding screw terminals glued

Condensed Board

For implementation in tighter spaces, I plan to design a stripped-down board omitting CON1, lines for M1-3 and UC on CON3 and the associated R15-18, using an 8-pin array (Digikey part MSP10KH-ND) for R8-14 and reordering the remaining lines on CON3 to support more direct paths through the PCB, and dropping the GND line from CON4 (since CON3 exposes one anyway). I may also go with lower-profile parts for C4 and X1.

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