Kraftwerk, The Man-Machine, 1978

Chronicling fungi's steady descent into cyberpsychosis....

septabmic chording keyers

Inspired by Greg Priest-Dorman's Chorder wiki, I'm building a handheld chorded keyboard based on Spaceman Spiff's Chording Keyboard Experiment (SpiffChorder) with some earlier influence from Steve Mann's septambic keyer.

monocular headmount displays

As I begin work on a wearable display, I'll flesh out this section. Here are some interesting links for components I'm considering:

single-board wearable computers

Right now I just go everywhere with an Asus Eee PC netbook running Debian GNU/Linux, but intend to transition soon to a low-power single-board computer. Some links for reference:

portable power supplies and charging

Portable power will also be critical:

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