I saw the body spread on that dank stone, and knew those things which feasted were not men; I knew this strange, grey world was not my own, but Yuggoth, past the starry voids--and then the body shrieked at me with a dead cry, and all too late I knew that it was I!
H.P. Lovecraft, Fungi From Yuggoth: IV. Recognition (1936)
Welcome to the personal home page of fungi, known to those in the big blue room as Jeremy Stanley... beachnik, cybernaut, gamer and all around geek.
Hacker Public Radio Interview (FOSDEM 2020) audio clip
Free and Open Vulnerability Management (OSCON 2015) slides video trailer
OpenStack Community Infrastructure (OWF 2014) slides full video
finger fungi@yuggoth.org
Login: fungi Name: Jeremy Stanley Directory: /home/fungi Shell: /bin/bash On since Sun May 23 05:23:10 2010 (UTC) from via mosh (on 5 ttys) No unread mail. Plan: 36.0347,-75.6859, Sol-3, Milky Way, Andromeda Group, Laniakea, 2.3473*10^62 Planck time, cosmological constant 0.692 (please limit contact to 3 spatial dimensions, linear time preferred) Project: -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GIT/M/S d?!pu s-: a C++++ UBL++++$ P+ L+++ E--- W-- N++ K--- w--- O- M- V !PS !PE Y++$ PGP++$ t+@ 5++ X+@ R+++> tv@ b+ !DI D--- G+++ e* h++ r+++ y+++** ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ PGP public key: pub rsa4096/0x48F9961143495829 2010-06-12 [SC] [expires: often] Key fingerprint = 97AE 496F C02D EC9F C353 B2E7 48F9 9611 4349 5829 uid [ultimate] Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> uid [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 2509] sub rsa4096/0x17FC38FB4C6A6B3D 2010-06-12 [E] [expires: often] +++ATH NO CARRIER